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Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)

Day 9 - Aria BigO
Last Updated: 2023-06-16 10:04:02
It was frustrating getting very close to the money three straight tournaments and not being able to get over the final hump. Ah the good old days being in sight of the money...
Turned out the tournament was not PLO8/BigO it was just BigO. Fine with me, if it's Omaha and it's 8 or better I'm good whichever format it is...
Decided to take a day off from the pool and get breakfast instead at Salt and Ivy. As long as we're platinum (which likely means through the end of this year, the requirement is just so high now) we love the place because we get to skip the line and we like the food!
After breakfast straight down to buy in and this time I was alternate 27 but they were only on #13 and there were no unused tables for them to just open up new tables on because this particular day they decided to stuff all the spares with cash games.
That said, only waited 20-30 minutes to sit down (of course they called my number while I was in the restroom...) and got a seat at a table in the main poker room.
In the big blind (and if you've been reading my BLOGs this is a recurring theme ... Pete plays a shitty hand for a min-raise because he's in the blind and look what happens ...) and of course I call with a lousy 45589 with at least one suit. At least 5 others in the hand, maybe 6.
Flop comes 775. This could go really well or really poorly...but with a flopped boat, even an "underboat", I'm leading out 100% of the time. Especially don't want to give a free look for a low draw.
I lead for 2000, two callers, then a raise to 5k. Always worried about someone having the better full house or quads, but for now I'm obviously not going away. Everyone calls. Well, at least two other callers, definitely the two that called my 2k bet.
Turn is a 5. Wow.
I lead out for 7k, fold, fold ... snap all-in. Seriously??? Am I going to bust out quads vs quads??? I can't get my chips in fast enough.
Dude has a 7 and an open ended straight draw. One out, case 7, that's it. Better low if a low comes in. Jack on the river, ship it!
67,000 from my 30,000 starting stack just like that!
Guy sitting directly to my right is from Fort Collins, guy one more to the right is from Denver and also staying at Vdara.
68,000 at the break.
About 10 minutes after the break a crushing hand.
I have A2578 with 5-7 of diamonds. I raise out, probably to 2200, and get several callers as you'd expect.
Flop comes 46K with two diamonds. I have a full wrap straight draw, not great flush draw, nut low draw. I lead out, someone goes over the top, two of us can't say the words "pot" fast enough to get our chips in (everyone else quickly went away).
He has A67J-not sure, but basically he has a pair, a worse low but the nut flush draw with the A-7 of diamonds. All of my straight outs also give me the low, which is good! I wish there was a BigO calculator on CardPlayer website but they only do 4-card 8/b. I really think I was ahead here with the wrap and can't miss low if it comes in.
Queen on the turn, 6 on the river, I miss everything and get scooped for 48k. Ouch! Even if I knew the cards I think I'd still get in in that spot, but what can you do.
Down to 16,200, still a very playable stack.
Little bit after that I came within a hair of doubling up and getting back on my feet.
Playing 23467 with two suits (great hand if I can spike an ace with about any other small cards) and the flop comes 239. Woman sitting in the 1-seat leads out and I decide to jam over the top all in with my two pair, she quickly calls.
She has AA56 and a face card with I think a flush draw.
I spike a two on the turn, any card 9 or higher is a scoop for me ... ace on the river giving her a better full house but giving me the low. Chop it up. Argh!
Fall down around 11k, but then get a double-up finally without seeing a river. Someone raise to 2200 and four of us call, me having a high-only 99TJK. Flop 8JQ giving me a straight with a possibility to improve to a better straight, but two spades and me only one spade in my hand. I bet 10k, everyone folds! 21,500!
But then pot it preflop with A23KK, monster hand, get one caller but flop comes AQJ. About the worst flop I could have imagined. Ended up losing about half my stack on that one.
Hand or two later I'm done. I played another high-only hand, 89TJA, flop came 5-8-9. Top two, open ender, I'm short stack ... easy all-in. Two callers. I have a chance to triple up!
Fort Collins guy basically had the nut low draw and almost nothing else. Other caller had 6-7 so he had a made straight but not much else going for him and my straight outs all would have given me the high end. If this hand was face up before the betting I would take my chances with my hand against theirs with a chance to triple up any day of the week. Two pair (so full house outs) and a straight draw against a made straight heads up, no, but a chance to scoop three handed when I'm short stacked? Every time...
A second diamond on the turn added the only diamond flush draw to my list of outs ... but a small heart on the river gave FoCo guy the low and the other guy the nut flush instead of me.
Well that was quick...
I made a run to the bank to make sure we had enough for the rest of the trip, to Sam's for some supplies and Lee's Liquor for some other "supplies" (not necessarily in that order) while Joann did some online stuff in the room.
Dinner at Eataly, back to the room for an early night.
Friday Joann is going shopping with my cousin Heather while I intend to play in the Aria Seniors tournament. I am tempted to get back to mixed games with HORSE at Orleans, but that's actually an almost WSOP buy-in and with things going how they are I have to consider some cutbacks, definitely not piling on at this point. So almost certainly Seniors at Aria.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 17-18 - Took the day off
Days 15-16 - Aria NLH
Day 14 - Triple Draw Mix at Orleans
Days 12-13 - WSOP 8/b Mix
Day 11 - Aira 27TD/Badugi/Badeucy
Day 10 - Aria Seniors
Day 9 - Aria BigO
Day 8 - Aria No Limit Hold'Em
Day 7 - Aria 8-Game Mix
Day 6 - PLO8 at MGM
Day 5 - WSOP 8-Game Mix
Days 2-4 - 3 days without poker IN JUNE?
Day 1 - Drive, WSOP Badugi
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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