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Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)

Days 17-18 - Took the day off
Last Updated: 2023-06-24 09:16:49
Sorry if you were expecting a poker BLOG today, but I decided to take our last day in town off and spend it with Joann.
One thing I haven't mentioned yet, I don't think anyway but I'm too lazy to go back and reread everything, is that I was informed about two weeks before we left that my funding source for poker on these trips has suddenly dried up!
CACI in their infinite wisdom has ended vacation time. In theory we now have unlimited time off subject to manager approval. I'm sure I've mentioned many times that I've been funding the poker side of these trips by cashing out vacation time every year. This past January I cashed out a whopping 240 hours, which is crazy to think about.
I will accumulate my last official vacation hours on June 30th. CACI is going to pay out all accumulated vacation time "over three years" but I expect that would be for folks who have say 500-1000 hours built up as CACI continues to acquire companies and has to honor any legacy vacation time. By my math, with the vacation time I'm using I'll still be cashing out about half what I cashed out this year.
Aside from just wanting to spend our last day with Joann, saving a buyin for a future trip ... like maybe a fall trip ... seemed like a smart thing to do.
I will say this about the vacation time thing and then I'll move on - the first time I cashed out vacation I told Joann that this could be the worst thing for me. Every hour of vacation time I took literally became money out of my pocket and I was going to hate every time I used any. My prediction was right! I can't tell you how many weekends, how many extra long days, etc I've worked in order to flex my time and not use vacation. Scheduling long trips to wrap around pay periods to split the days and allow me to flex time and reduce vacation time. For this 2.5 week vacation I'm using less than a week and a half of vacation time (and working Sunday to preserve what little I can to cash out!).
Well, that's the end of that! Everyone I talked to at work has said exactly the same thing. We know how much time we're supposed to have, we actually have a spreadsheet we passed around to each other to track vacation hours for the purpose of cashout, making sure we didn't reach the CACI "use or lose" limit, the effect on our 401ks of cashing out, etc and dammit if we can't cash it out any more we're going to make damn sure we use every hour we were supposed to be entitled to. No more working weekends!
OK, enough of that.
Friday we did the usual Starbucks and pool, dropped Peter and Grace at the airport, Joann finished up some financial stuff she had to take care of, we packed, we ordered a new washer and dryer, I got pizza and Joann got Fish 'n' Chips all at NYNY, back to the room for a whisky nightcap and that was our day.
I also don't think I mentioned our dishwasher started leaking early in the trip. It had already been repaired three times under warranty over we're guessing 4 years. Enough was enough, time for a new one. And we had recently replaced the over-the-stove microwave because that died, and we just bought a new Fridge a little over a year ago. So ... why not a washer and dryer too! It arrives Thursday. We have all new appliances now.
Well it looks like Starbucks opened 10 minutes ago. We got a late checkout, we're going to hit the pool one last time, shower and get out of town around lunch time.
Plan is In-N-Out for a late lunch, try to make Chik-Fil-A in Grand Junction for late dinner and home around midnight. We can sleep in Sunday one last time, I'm going to work from home and help Joann with laundry, grocery shopping, etc.
Thanks as always for reading!!!
I would say a fall trip is better than 50-50, and with money I won plus the hours I will have left to cash out next June will definitely be a long trip. After that I don't know where the money is coming from, but we'll figure it out. We always do :-)
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2023-06-26 20:04:17
i need an OLD washer
Other Entries This Blog:
Days 17-18 - Took the day off
Days 15-16 - Aria NLH
Day 14 - Triple Draw Mix at Orleans
Days 12-13 - WSOP 8/b Mix
Day 11 - Aira 27TD/Badugi/Badeucy
Day 10 - Aria Seniors
Day 9 - Aria BigO
Day 8 - Aria No Limit Hold'Em
Day 7 - Aria 8-Game Mix
Day 6 - PLO8 at MGM
Day 5 - WSOP 8-Game Mix
Days 2-4 - 3 days without poker IN JUNE?
Day 1 - Drive, WSOP Badugi
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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