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Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)

Days 12-13 - WSOP daily DS, day off
Last Updated: 2024-06-18 02:21:10
As I mentioned in my last BLOG entry, I've decided that I really need to stick to my intentions to play in mostly smaller tournaments this year, especially with things not going so well so far.
I'd already decided not to play in the Omaha 8/b mix bracelet event Sunday and instead go for some daily deepstack tournaments. As I'm typing this up (finally) Monday night, I've made the further decision that I'm not playing in the WSOP Seniors again this year either.
Sunday was the deepstacks, Monday was a promised day off with Joann coming back out here from home, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I will play poker and Wednesday a final day off instead of the senior's is the plan for the rest of the trip.
Sunday was another frustrating day...
Ran a little late for the 1pm Daily Deepstack at the WSOP, sat down around 1:50. In the next 55 minutes I had exactly two playable hands and neither worked out. A-K both of hearts, Queen high board, had to give up to a river bet. Pocket 9s I get a flop of K-Q-7 and have to give up when the other player in the hand leads out.
A few minutes before the break I flop top pair and get outkicked. Just like that I'm around half a stack after starting with 30k. 30-ish big blinds, tho, plenty for now.
But ... just before break I win a flip with 99 vs A-J and double up to about a starting stack. Actually 28k from a 25k start!
After the break I did think about taking a shot at a triple up but decided to wait for a better spot. I see a flop with A-10 of spades and the flop came K-6-4 two spades. Early to act leads out for 2200, I called that ... but then a re-raise and an all-in behind.
If I knew 100% that they both had a pair of kings with non-ace kickers I probably make the call ... but if either one of them has A-K then I'm only drawing to a flush and even if the pot odds may have been about right it's still my tournament life on a 20-30% chance depending on that ace. So I folded...
As it turned out the hands were K-Q and K-J, but nothing would have come in for me and I would have lost.
The "I'm not going to be results oriented" part of me says I had to assume one of them had A-K with all that action. Turned out not to be the case, but the decision to fold was correct.
NOTE: I ran it through the odds calculator. With exactly the hands they had I was actually the favorite to win the pot at 46.62% to 44.96% for KQ and 7.09% for KJ if I call. But if I change KQ to AK I drop to 38% with 54% for the A-K. I was getting the right pot odds, but in a marginal spot if I assume I'm against A-K and as played I had to assume one of them had it. That said, even my worst case was better than I thought, something to bear in mind in the future. Maybe next time I make a different decision and take my chances.
Finally get a nice chunk with K-K. I raise out, someone goes over the top for 5500, I make it 10,500 and he calls. King on the flop, can't get anything else out of him but I'll take the over 10k plus blinds and ante!
Then things take exactly the kind of bad turn that's been going on all trip for me...
Raise out with 10-10, two callers. Flop comes 8-high with two hearts. Guy who was down to his last 6600 goes all in, I go over the top to clear the third guy out ... and he has a flush draw with a queen. Ace of hearts on the river, with the preflop raise about 10k out of my stack.
Things hadn't been going well since the kings, I'm down to 22,600.
Steal blinds ... but then get rivered again with top pair against a flush draw for half my stack. Lose a flip with Q-T vs 99, can't even win after flopping open ended straight and a flush draw!!! Any spade, ace, queen, ten or one of the last two nines on the turn and river and I double up.
But nothing but air and I'm done.
And here's the infurating part ... I put myself in good positions over and over and get beaten in hands where I'm way ahead ... and I could go back and look at my BLOGS but I don't remember a single time I was the one that got overly lucky once all the chips went in. When I'm behind I'm supposed to lose most of the time but still win some of the time ... and when I'm way ahead I'm supposed to win most of the time and lose now and then.
Seems like I'm losing about all of the above this trip.
On to the 4pm Daily Deepstack!
First hand out of the gate A-K off under the gun. Raise out, one caller, whiff flop, get raised on my continuation bet, give up.
A-K off again on the 4th hand I played, this time my c-bet works when I whiff the flop.
Still same orbit pick up 10-10. There's a raise, I just call from middle position ... then a reraise and an all-in behind me. I fold 10s. Everyone else folds.
Finally win a decent pot when I raise out to 1500 with Q-T in spades and see a 4-handed flop Ks-Js-X. Open ended straight flush draw!
I make it 5500 to go on the turn, one caller, I've only got a little over 11,000 behind. Offsuit 10 on the turn giving me a pair at least, I go all in, he folds.
I'm never getting away from a straight flush draw on the flop or turn...
Just before break I'm playing K-3 suited in hearts in the small blind for a min-raise. Flop 2-4-6 two hearts, so a flush draw and a gutshot. First to act I check, everyone checks. 5 to give me a straight comes in on the turn, I lead out and get called. River is an 8, I lead out again, he calls and turns over a 8-7 for a better straight.
Of course...
Somehow I'm at 29,500 at the break from a 30k starting stack.
Maintain my stack for another level but blinds are going up and my stack isn't.
Raise out with A-K, three callers as usual. Flop jack high, checks around. Turn is an ace!!! I bet, he calls. River a blank, I go all in (less than the pot in my stack...) and he snap calls with his flopped set of jacks.
What a cooler! Out.
Hang out in the room until Joann's plane lands, pick her up at the airport, very late dinner at Tom's Watch Bar and we called it a night.
Monday we got a cabana at the Vdara pool. Peter and Grace came by for an hour or so, but otherwise we just lounged around and drank all day.
Dinner at Cleaver's with Heather and Glenn, streaming and a little whisky in the room and that was our Monday.
Tuesday will be No-Limit Hold'Em at Aria. A final day off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday probably 11am's at MGM.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 15-16 off day/penultimate poker day
Day 14 - Rough day
Days 12-13 - WSOP daily DS, day off
Day 11 - NLH at MGM
Day 10 - BigO MGM, WSOP daily deepstack
Day 9 - Aria PLO
Day 8 - NLH at MGM Grand
Days 6-7 - Dinner, WSOP NLH/PLO
Day 5 - One hand...yup...
Days 3-4 - Concert, Nugget BigO
Days 1-2 - Drive, Nugget 8-Game Mix
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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