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Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)

Day 14 - Rough day
Last Updated: 2024-06-19 19:40:44
It was just one of those days...
Starbucks, no pool, played at Aria for a change.
I was a little late for the 11am start and there was a bit of a line to sign up. They apparently opened up a bunch of new tables because by the time I registered it was closer to 30 minutes after the start time and I arrived at my table with a bunch of guys sitting around waiting to have enough players to start dealing.
Right off the bat lose a chunk 3-betting with A-K suited, then get nothing but blinds for pocket queens a few hands later.
This is pretty much how my tournament went. Got picked off on a bluff, whiffed on pretty much every hand I tried to play, was down to 17,400 from a starting stack of 30k at the first break.
Raise out with pocket 8s and get two callers. Flop comes K-8-3 but all clubs. I have to lead out, everyone folds. I get the bare minimum for flopping a set.
Someone leads out early to act for 1500, one caller, I make it 5000 to go with pocket kings ... and everyone folds. I get the bare minimum with kings.
Under 20 big blinds at 500/1000/1000 I get one all-in through over the top of a loose raiser and get up to 22k.
With blinds about to go up again I go over the top of the loosest guy at the table with suited A-6.
He calls and flips over 10-10.
Ace on the flop!!!
10 on the river. Done.
Run up to the room to spend half an hour with Joann and then over to the Horseshoe to play in the 4pm Daily Deepstack at the WSOP.
Literally first hand out of the gate I lose 3k when I river a straight ... and someone else had rivered a flush with 2-3 of hearts.
Raise out with 55, two callers. Check around an a flop with three cards bigger than 5 ... 5 on the turn! I lead out, everyone folds. Bare minimum with a set.
15 minutes later I again river a straight after a monotone flop that nobody wanted to bet. I lead out for 4k (which was probably about half pot), next to act goes over the top, next guy calls ... they both had flopped crappy flushes.
Twice in an hour I river a straight and run into flushes...
In the big blind with 5-3 and there are 5 limpers. I check.
Flop 4-3-3. Sweet!
Well long story short one of the limpers had 4-3 and I lost a chunk, but I'd say I lost the minimum.
I guess that was the highlight of my day...not busting out when flopping trips that weren't good...
I'm down to 12k from my 30k starting stack.
The good news for me was that this was a fairly tight table and people really liked to limp. Gave me lots of opportunities to just jam all in and pick up dead money left and right. Which I did!
Get myself up to about 15.5k when of course everyone folds to me in the small blind and I look down at KK. I limp hoping to induce the monster stack to my left to take a stab but he doesn't bite. He does throw out a small bet on an ace high flop all clubs, and I have the king of clubs! But I go over the top and he folds. If he had an ace I would have taken my chances on the nut flush draw.
Bare minimum again for kings.
One last jam heading into break and I've worked my way up to 19,500.
Blinds are now 500/1000/1000 so when one or to people limp and I can jam it's quite profitable. They oblige by continuing to limp and I keep helping myself to their chips!
Jam with Q-10 of spades, A-6 of diamonds and 88. I was sort of hoping that someone would get tired of my jamming and look me up with the 8s, but no such luck.
Still, tho, up to 27,500. But blinds are about to go up again and I'll be under 20 bigs real soon...
One more jam with A-8, someone finally woke up with A-J, board runs clean for the other guy and I'm done.
Julian Serrano Tapas for dinner, as I was walking back to the hotel I was able to make a last minute reservation 45 minutes out. Which was hard to believe because when we showed up the place was packed!
Excellent dinner, a little streaming up at the room and we called it a night.
Wednesday I'm taking a final day off of poker to spend it with Joann, Peter and Grace. Same chef, different style for dinner tonight at Julian Serrano's Lago (Italian small plates instead of Spanish small plates).
Plan for Thursday and Friday is NLH at the MGM grand to close out the trip.
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2024-06-20 20:33:23
i think Omaha hi lo / mixed is best bet

so many suck out in NLH
Other Entries This Blog:
Days 15-16 off day/penultimate poker day
Day 14 - Rough day
Days 12-13 - WSOP daily DS, day off
Day 11 - NLH at MGM
Day 10 - BigO MGM, WSOP daily deepstack
Day 9 - Aria PLO
Day 8 - NLH at MGM Grand
Days 6-7 - Dinner, WSOP NLH/PLO
Day 5 - One hand...yup...
Days 3-4 - Concert, Nugget BigO
Days 1-2 - Drive, Nugget 8-Game Mix
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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