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Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)

Days 6-7 - Dinner, WSOP NLH/PLO
Last Updated: 2024-06-12 11:18:42
After two brutal days I figured it best to take a day off Monday. Starbucks, pool, met up with Patrick and Dyan, Patrick and I bought in for Tuesday, we had a very good dinner at Spago at Bellagio. Up to the room for streaming and bed, and that was pretty much our day.
Early 10:00 AM start for $600 NLH/PLO, Patrick and I got over a little early and were wandering around checking out the layout when Matt G snuck up on us in the hallway.
Three of us took our seats, and off we went...
I had a solid first two hours until the first break. Mostly just chipping up winning pots here and there. Three times I had aces with one or both suited in PLO, however all three times I didn't have great cards to go with them and I was in one of the blinds. Aces in PLO aren't aces in NLH, you want to have good cards to go with them along with having at least one of them suited, and you definitely want to be in position if you're going to raise with them. You really don't want to try to play aces out of position with 2-4 callers behind you in PLO!
The first and third times I called someone else's raise, checked or check/called on the flop and led out on safe or favorable turns to take down a couple of OK pots.
The second time, however, someone made it 700 to go early to act and the button made it 2000 to go. I'm looking at A-A-9-7 with both aces suited in the small blind. This is when you can start jamming with the less than perfect aces, because you have a chance to make a very big bet and just take down the pot, plus the fact that you have two opportunities for a nut flush give you a better chance of hitting a huge hand. You'd just prefer two more broadway cards to be able to make nut straights as well.
I pot it to 7100, only the button calls. I am absolutely convinced she has some kind of kings. If she had the other two aces she would have jammed over me, would almost certainly fold any other big pair. Maybe, maybe call with queens if she's at all competent but even QQ should be a fold here (maybe a hand like Q-Q-J-T with two suits can call).
Flop came 9-7-J rainbow. I'm positive my AA would still be good, much less my made two pair. Literally the only two hands I'm afraid of are K-K-J-J or K-K-T-8. I pot it to 15,600, she tanks a long, long time and folds later saying she wished she had just gambled with her kings...
Also pick up A-K off in the small blind in NLH but again in a blind with a raise and call into me so I decide to just call and see a flop. No help and I'm done with the hand.
Into the break tho I'm very happy to be at exactly 40,000 chips from my 30,000 start.
Meet up with Patrick and Matt, Patrick is a little above starting stack, Matt down to half a starting stack.
After the break, tho, no hand I played worked out. Only won a couple of small pots with preflop raise-and-take-its. Every other time I flopped some kind of draw it never came in, any time I started with a decent hand I whiffed every flop.
I'm down under 30k when there is a limp or two and the button raises to pot and I look down at K-K-6-3 double suited (spades and clubs) in the big blind. Once again, don't want to get enamored with KK in PLO like you would be in hold'em, but double suited is a good enough reason. And I can't just assume that a button raise is ever aces, that's a circumstance where it could be a pair like QQ or JJ plus two decent cards, four cards to a straight, etc. I just call.
Flop comes, not sure exactly but something like J-7-2 with two clubs. Definitely two clubs, definitely nothing looking like a straight draw. I check, he pots to something around 10k.
That's not much less than half my stack. I have an overpair, and second nut flush draw, I have to be worried about aces but if he has aces I have the flush draw to fall back on. There is definitely no "call" here, it's jam or fold.
I jam, he calls, flips over the worst thing I could see ... A-A-Q-X with A-Q of clubs.
I pick up a six on the turn to get me from 2 to 6 outs, but no love on the river and I'm done.
Walked past Patrick as I was leaving, he told me Matt was already out.
I headed to the pool to hang with Dyan and Joann who had gotten a cabana.
End of the day, you have to take chances. I was about three hours in. Patrick messaged me around 6 hours of playing time in that he was at 65k, so more than double a starting stack, but blinds were up to 1500/2500/2500 ... so he had doubled up but was barely at 25 big blinds. This was a fast structure, if you didn't double your stack by hour six you weren't in great shape. I had a chance to double my stack half way there, turned out I ran into the only hand I was really afraid of and none of my outs came in. You also have to get lucky once or twice to get to the money!
That's poker, folks.
Patrick didn't last long after he gave me his update, unfortunately. Lost 1/3 of his stack raising out with aces in PLO, making a continuation bet and getting check-raised out of the pot. Then got into a three way all-in with top set of jacks only for one of the other two people to run out a straight and no improvement for Patrick.
Patrick joined us at the pool about 45 mins before they kicked us all out, we went our separate ways, naps were taken, then Patrick, Matt and I hit Tom's Watch Bar for a late dinner and a couple of beers and got takeout for the ladies.
Wednesday the three of us are all taking a break from the WSOP and playing in a NLH tournament at MGM.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 15-16 off day/penultimate poker day
Day 14 - Rough day
Days 12-13 - WSOP daily DS, day off
Day 11 - NLH at MGM
Day 10 - BigO MGM, WSOP daily deepstack
Day 9 - Aria PLO
Day 8 - NLH at MGM Grand
Days 6-7 - Dinner, WSOP NLH/PLO
Day 5 - One hand...yup...
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Days 1-2 - Drive, Nugget 8-Game Mix
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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