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Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)

Day 9 - Aria PLO
Last Updated: 2024-06-14 11:18:47
No deep run for me Thursday...
Starbucks, pool, shower, bought in about 5 minutes late.
For the first four levels I didn't have a lot of playable hands, and most of the ones I did play I missed the flop entirely for those two hours.
In the first hour I flopped a straight draw and a flush draw playing 4-6-8-8 with spades in one of the blinds. Flop was 7-9-J two spades so I called a bet from the original raiser but got nothing but air on the turn and river.
But ... I had two of the 8s, hard for him to have a straight without one so I threw out an almost pot sized bet and he thought a while and folded. Highlight of my first hour!
Near the end of the third 30-minute level I finally looked down at double suited aces with A-A-T-9 with diamonds and I think clubs. Two limpers at 200/400/400 so I was able to make it 2000 to go, two callers. Flop three diamonds, I bet and they quickly fold.
Then just before the break I had a decent starting hand, A-K-J-T with two spades, but the flop came King, small, small with no spades. Checks all around on the flop and blank turn and river and somehow just a pair of kings was good!
Into break 20,800 chips from a 30,000 starting stack.
Patrick was down to 12k, he actually was getting a lot of great starting hands and getting chips in preflop but was missing flops and having to give up on hands. Frustrating!
But just after the break I decided to try and raise out and steal blinds with A-J-8-7 with spades and diamonds when it folded around to me in the small blind.
Flop came A-K-6 with A-K of spades giving me top pair but also the second nut flush draw. I lead out to try and take down the pot but he calls again. I've got less than what's in the pot left in my stack, so when I pick up a 7 for two pair on the turn it's time to put the rest of my stack in ... and of course he had flopped a set of kings from the big blind.
No ace or spade to save me on the river, done.
What a setup of a hand! The big blind was a monster stack who was pretty much hitting everything while playing almost every hand. I can't put him on anything, and while you usually need to be a little worried about not having the best flush that's just because most people will play about any suited ace ... but with the ace and king on the board second nut flush if it comes in is almost certainly going to be good.
Then turning two pair with no real straight possibilities on the board and me not even having a full pot size bet worth of chips left in my stack ... perfect situation for me to get my chips in!
Like I said, what a setup. Argh.
Patrick manage to stick around til the next break, but not much long after.
Hung in the room with Joann, drank a little scotch, we got together with Patrick and Matt for dinner at Eataly and called it a day.
Joann has to fly home today for the weekend, she'll be back Monday. I'm leaning towards playing in the 10am NLH at MGM. I was planning to play in BigO at 1:00 tho, so maybe I'll stick with that plan.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 15-16 off day/penultimate poker day
Day 14 - Rough day
Days 12-13 - WSOP daily DS, day off
Day 11 - NLH at MGM
Day 10 - BigO MGM, WSOP daily deepstack
Day 9 - Aria PLO
Day 8 - NLH at MGM Grand
Days 6-7 - Dinner, WSOP NLH/PLO
Day 5 - One hand...yup...
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Days 1-2 - Drive, Nugget 8-Game Mix
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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