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Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)

Day 10 - BigO MGM, WSOP daily deepstack
Last Updated: 2024-06-15 01:31:02
Starbucks, pool, lunch at Salt and Ivy with Joann who was leaving for home in the afternoon because she needed to work the weekend. Said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.
Bought into BigO at MGM Grand and it was fairly brutal.
First significant pot I played I went with a high only hand in a blind for a small raise preflop, 7-8-T-J-K double suited.
Flop came 4-J-J. I led out, one caller. Turn was an 8 giving me the nuts at the time, I checked, he bet pot, I called. River was a seven, I check/called another pot bet ... and he had J-8-A-2-X for nut low and same nut full house. I'm quartered down to 17k from my 25k starting stack.
Any card bigger than 7 was a chop except for an ten or a king that would have given me a scoop. Since the first tournament I played on this trip this is pretty much how it's gone, if I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all as the saying goes.
About 45 minutes later I flop a full house with A-3-5-7-Q and at least one suit, a decent starting hand. Flop came 7-Q-Q and I checked to try and slow-play then bet the 8 on the turn, but everyone folded.
In between those two hands I talked about things were going in the wrong direction. Every hand I played I'd usually whiff the flop or get a so-so flop that never worked out. And when I finally actually hit one I get almost nothing out of it. Very frustrating.
About 20 minutes later I started out with K-K-J-5-2 with both kings suited. I call a small preflop raise but I'm down to just 10k in chips, not even 20BB. Flop came K-Q-T, other guy leads out for about 3k and I can get all my chips in so I do.
Of course he has A-Q-J-T-X. I flopped top set, he flopped nut straight and two pair, which means he has two of my outs. Any ace is a chop, any K, Q, T or running other pair gets me the pot and there can be no low. 7 on the turn gives me three more outs but a blank on the river and I'm done again.
On the way back to the hotel I did make the decision that I am not playing in the 8/b mix at the WSOP Sunday. 8/b has been my game for a long, long time however it has been going terrible in that game for me on this trip, and I did come out here saying I was going to focus on smaller tournaments and less on those huge WSOP fields.
Time to live up to my own plan!
With that decision made I figured it was time to try a daily deepstack at the WSOP!
Went back to the hotel room to be with Joann since she hadn't gone to the airport yet and she happened to be planning to leave around when the next daily deepstack was going to start.
Hung out for an hour, walked her down to the valet, picked up a package I had had shipped to myself here that showed up a day early and we went our separate ways again.
No line at the buyin cage, had to wander around the Horseshoe to figure out where the daily deepstacks and satellite tournaments were being run and took my seat.
Fastest structure I've played on the trip, first time playing only 20 minute rounds. I'll take it, but it does mean you have to take opportunities to chip up. That said, the quality of dealer was not great. First dealer couldn't remember the chip values and was constantly making incorrect change and not understanding bets. Second dealer was like she never dealt hold'em before, kept messing up even cutting the deck. All the players ran the game, made change from pots, etc because she didn't know what she was doing. I was pleasantly surprised that everyone at the table just rolled with it and was very nice to her.
Started out pretty much the same. I was card dead and "flop dead".
Flop top pair, turn and overcard, check call a river bet ... he had flopped bottom pair and turned two pair.
Just under 20k from my 30k starting stack.
Raise out from middle position with 88, one caller, flop 4-9-10, make one c-bet but then have to check fold on a blank turn.
Blinds up to 400/800/800 and I have just 16 big blinds. Not ideal...
I look down at A-J suited, but it folds around to the small blind who just calls. I shove, he folds.
It's something...
Next hand hijack seat makes it 2000 to go, button calls, I go all-in for what's now about a 13.5k stack when I look down at QQ but they both fold.
Almost back to 20k!
Last hand going into the first break and again it folds around to the small blind who limps and I check my option with 8-4 offsuit.
Flop 6-9-8, he checks, I make it I think 1500 and he calls.
Turn another 8, this time I make it 2600 to go and he calls again.
River a blank, I go all in, he thinks and folds.
24,000 at the break! Less than a starting stack but double my bottom!
Second hand after the break there is a raise to 2500 and I look down at AA. I make it 5500 to go, small blind jams over the top of me! Original raiser folds, I call, he's got QQ.
Board runs out clean, I double up!
I have chips!
Give back a chunk on a hand that didn't work out.
Then we're on the last hand of the level so while I'm 40-something big blinds now as soon as the current hand is over I'm under 30.
Min raise to 2000 from a pretty loose player that's been in a lot of hands since he sat down.
I look down at A-K of hearts and make it 5500 to go and it folds back around to him ... and he makes it 15,500 to go.
I'm not getting away from this with what would only be a 25 BB stack if I fold. I'm all in.
He thinks a long, long time. Figures out he's risking most of his stack to make the call ... but he makes it and shows QQ. The classic coin flip!
I get no help on the board and I'm done.
Back to the room, sandwich for dinner, decided I'm due for a dry night so no polishing off a mostly empty whisky bottle. Just write this, watch the poker stream I've been trying to get through (5+ hrs!) and messaging with Joann while she's navigating airport, flight, another airport and waiting for her ride home.
Saturday I'm planning on doing the $400 at 10am at MGM Grand. Not written in stone, but probably will stick with that.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 15-16 off day/penultimate poker day
Day 14 - Rough day
Days 12-13 - WSOP daily DS, day off
Day 11 - NLH at MGM
Day 10 - BigO MGM, WSOP daily deepstack
Day 9 - Aria PLO
Day 8 - NLH at MGM Grand
Days 6-7 - Dinner, WSOP NLH/PLO
Day 5 - One hand...yup...
Days 3-4 - Concert, Nugget BigO
Days 1-2 - Drive, Nugget 8-Game Mix
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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