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Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)

Day 11 - NLH at MGM
Last Updated: 2024-06-16 15:54:57
Even when I get lucky I can't win!
Joann was back home so I was left to my own devices. I got crazy and ordered my Starbucks from the one on the Aria Promenade instead of the one in the Vdara lobby! Which was mainly due to the fact that the one in Vdara shut off online ordering.
Farted around the room and suddenly realized I was supposed to be playing poker in half an hour with a 15 minute walk to get there...
Registered only a few minutes late, and for the most part I played ABC poker most of the day.
As I got to my table I saw a set vs straight hand for a sizeable pot. The dude that lost the pot then proceeded to min-raise 100% of hands that were folded to him. Any time anyone re-raised he would call 100% of the time. And any time it was checked to him on the river he would dutifully bluff at the pot.
All you need is to hit a flop now and then to crush a guy like that. Which is exactly what I did. Every time I had any kind of hand I'd lead out on the flop, let him call, depending on strength make another bet on the turn or check, then check/call 100% of rivers. Miss a flop, just check/fold and let him have the min-raise pot.
Winning the big pots and losing the small pots is a winning combination!
The only time I led out against him on a river was when I turned a straight draw, I checked and he bet and I very quickly called. He made a comment about me beating him into the pot.
I missed the river but the board showed a possible flush draw and I snap bet 60% of the pot. He grumbled a while and folded second pair face up. Dude told me he was afraid of me on the turn, what else was I gonna do...
But I'm getting ahead of myself a little. He did bust out, he had gotten short stacked in the straight vs set hand, rebought and got back on our table in a different seat (betting into me instead of me betting into him, which was even better). That bluff came in the second go-round.
Last thing I'll say is that of course the guy actually had a hand now and then. Even the guy that plays every hand gets aces sometimes. But for a change I wasn't the one who ran into his real hands.
Aside from him, tho, ABC poker and stack building. 46,000 chips from a 30k start after the first two hours and into the first break.
Totally card dead for the first hour after the break, but then a full double-up from my buddy! Problem with playing every hand is that you're more susceptible to coolers and he had a major one.
He min-raises, I call as do 3-4 others when I look down at pocket 7s.
Flop 4-7-K. He leads out, I think I was the only caller. Turn is an 8 which was also a 3rd diamond, he checks and I make it 12k to go. He calls.
River is a four. He immediately goes all in and I snap call. He rolls over K-4 off for fours full of kings, which lose to my sevens full of fours. Sweet!
At that point I was over 80k.
Unfortunately my guy busted out not long after that hand. And aside from that one massive pot I was card dead for pretty much the rest of the two hours. I got in one light three bet with just K-5 suited over top of a tight raiser, and the last hand before the break a raise and a call and I made a big bet with A-Q suited and everyone folded.
Pretty sure I've told you every time chips were pushed my way in those two hours. Had been up to 80k but only 61k going into break.
Didn't get much better. I was able to steal blinds roughly once per round to maintain my stack around 60k, but while my stack isn't going up the blinds are.
Didn't help when I pay both the blinds and when I'm given the button my table breaks and I move directly into the big blind. Ugh!
New level and my stack goes from being 40 big blinds to only 30.
Finally the announcement that we are 94 entries, 45 left, paying 12 places. They needed 120 to make their guarantee so a huge overlay!
I thought I was an average stack, but 45 left wasn't right. Within two minutes it drops to 37 when they get around to counting the empty chairs.
Another level ends with me still sitting around 60k which goes from being a 30 BB stack to a 25 BB stack. Not good.
Finally get a boost when I pick off a bluff from a new loose player with just Q-10 on a K-8-6-5-Q board. Up to 83k!
Nothing going on between then and the dinner break and I'm back down to 66k with blinds going up to 2000/4000/4000 and me starting in the big blind. Really not good...
Ultimately I busted out 13 from the money. I wanted to get in before paying the blind and the ante again and decided to jam on Q-8 suited. Can't even get two live cards when I'm called by A-Q.
8 on the turn!!!
But a fourth spade on the river, he had the ace of spades, out 13 from the money. Even when I get lucky I can't win...
As I was busting out Peter and Grace were off their plane and looking for the car Joann had left for them in long term parking in Harry Reid. I walked over to Park MGM, grabbed their room keys, met them in the parking lot, let them run their stuff up to their room and back down to the car for them to go see Penn and Teller at the Rio. At least my bustout was convenient for them! :-)
Back to the room for some streaming, pizza takeout, a little whisky and that was my day.
Sunday it will be the 1PM WSOP Daily Deepstack 100%. Only $250, longer format than the 4pm.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 15-16 off day/penultimate poker day
Day 14 - Rough day
Days 12-13 - WSOP daily DS, day off
Day 11 - NLH at MGM
Day 10 - BigO MGM, WSOP daily deepstack
Day 9 - Aria PLO
Day 8 - NLH at MGM Grand
Days 6-7 - Dinner, WSOP NLH/PLO
Day 5 - One hand...yup...
Days 3-4 - Concert, Nugget BigO
Days 1-2 - Drive, Nugget 8-Game Mix
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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