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Vegas November 2007

Day One (Thursday)
As I begin typing it's now 26 hours since I last slept. Typical start to Vegas.
The flight was uneventful, no turbulence and clear skies. Got to the hotel around 10PM, checked in and headed over to Caesars for the 11pm, $120 buy-in tournament. Good format, half-hour rounds and good blind structure. My table was fairly straightforward but I didn't get a lot of playable hands and I got little action when I did get them so I hovered between about 3500 chips and 4500 chips after starting with about 4000.
We did have one guy at the table that was constantly making large overbets and then showing his garbage hands. He was building up a stack, but eventually got caught (unfortunately not by me). His plan was now all-in or fold. So I get A-Q, one of my few playable hands, and I raise out for 400 (blinds 50/100). Knucklehead goes all in over the top, it's 1400 for me to call a wild player in about a 2200-2600 pot (don't remember how many limpers). I have to call with those odds against a guy who is pushing with almost any two cards...of course he has pocket 10s and they hold up. That hurt me, later with pocket 10s I make it 500 to go with only another 1500 behind it. Three very reluctant callers. Flop comes A-rag-rag. So over 2000 in the pot and I'm not going to have enough chips to play so I push and try and represent the A. Everyone buys my ploy, but a different knucklehead decided to call even though he was convinced he was beat and turned over A-3, begging the dealer for a 3 before I turn over the pocket 10s...
So that was it for me, Matt by this time though was chip leader at another table. I headed over to TI and Planet Hollywood to check out the 2am tourneys thinking it's 1:30. I was disappointed to find there was nobody getting ready for a tournament at either place so I decided to head back to see how Matt was doing thinking 2am tourneys weren't going to happen. Then, halfway back to Caesars I look at my phone...DUH, never set my watch back. Even with all the walking I've done it's not even 1am yet. So now I have time to kill, check on Matt (still has a very good size stack), then I head back to PH.
Same story through the early part of this tourney. Had a long stretch of not so much as a single face card. But I limp along and I manage to have 3800 chips when the blinds get to 300/600. I'm going to have to push at some point, and here I go again. Three limpers in the pot and I'm in the big blind, I decide to push with 8-7 off and hope I can steal the pot best case or get down to a heads up for a big pot with at least a 40% chance of winning. But I get TWO callers. Flop comes 5-7-Q. First caller makes big bet, second player folds, first player turns up A-J (bet the other guy out in a takeout with nothing). My 7's hold up and I more than triple up, I go from short stack to big stack at my table.
A few hands later, I'm up to about 17,000 in chips (above average stack) and a short stack goes all in for 2600. I call with big slick and another short stack with exactly 2600 as well also calls. First in turns over pocket 10's, other all-in turns over aces. I've got easily the worst hand. But Q-J on the flop and the 10 on the river to give me a straight and a two-person takeout.
Alas I don't think I won more than 2-3 pots after that and I ended up busting out 8th with 6 places paying. Matt called me about 5 minutes before I busted out to tell me that he just took 4th (6 also paid) in his tournament which had started three hours earlier than the one I was about to bust out of.
So I met Matt back at the hotel for a little craps, Matt played a little blackjack and here I am about ready to call it a night....er morning, since I see the sun is now up...
Plan for day 2 is probably sleep 'til "lunch-ish" then to get into the Omaha High tourney at Binions at 5pm. Other than that, no specific plans.
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