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Vegas November 2007

Day Three (Saturday)
Unfortunately I don't have a lot to talk about today.
Softball started out great. The tournament is a double-elimination tourney, but in the spot in the bracket we were in if we lost either of our first two games we would pretty much be in the same (bad) spot in the losers bracket. Since Matt had 11 players the plan was to play me in the second half of the first game. That actually got me exactly half an inning of playing time as we won by the 15-run rule in four innings so all I got to do was play catcher for four batters. The second game got me a little more playing time but this time it was the 10-run rule after 5 innings that we won by.
It was at this point I decided that my softball "career" is over. I've come to the realization that I just get no enjoyment out of the game any more, my team was 2-0 and I had no desire to get back on the field. Having said that, if something happens the rest of this weekend and Matt gets to be short a player I'm going to play, but outside of that I'm done.
So after the first two games we had a four hour break before game three and we decided to head back to the hotel. I had a bad round of craps, ate a quick burger, watched Matt make some money at the blackjack table (he's the only person I know who can play blackjack and have wild swings in his chip stack as though he was at a craps table) and then it was back to the softball field.
The opponent was apparently playing down a couple of levels from where they normally play, they were a very good team and it didn't end as we would have liked. We had an umpire with a postage stamp strike zone, someone counted 15 walks for them. But it was a close game for most of the game, one of the rules of the tournament is that home runs (over the fence) are illegal and end the inning. They ended their inning four times with home runs, one was a leadoff HR (one or two pitches and done for the inning) and I believe the other three were all rally killers. But our guys didn't do as good a job as they did of taking pitches, they were better defensively and at one point broke the game open with a 9-run inning but our guys kept fighting and the final was a 20-16 loss.
Then it was back to the hotel again, I broke even at a $1/$2 No Limit Hold'Em cash table and then took a tough beat to get busted out a tournament at Harrah's and that is pretty much it for my day. Short stacked, looking for any excuse to go all in, I get no callers pushing with J-7 offsuit, no callers pushing with K-5 offsuit, but I finally get a caller with my pocket aces and their 9-10 off gets a flop of J-Q-K (in order). Awful.
Oh well, depending on what happens with softball tomorrow I might try and get into a HORSE tournament at one of the casinos. If that doesn't work out, hopefully limit 8/b at Binions.
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