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Vegas June 2008 (WSOP)

Day Two
First did a little more shopping. Joann bought some shoes to match her purse that she had bought the night before. And I got a Father's Day present (it's a secret). Then we got a room change back at the hotel, there was a fair amount of noise coming from the floor above us (sounded like construction) at 7am that we didn't appreciate.
Then on to Rio. Joann won some money at the blackjack table, I won some at craps. Then ate at the buffet there, very good. Big selection, everything fresh.
And that was pretty much it for the day. Oh yeah, I played in a tournament at the Rio...
Cody showed up just before I sat down, good to see him again. Didn't start too well for me. Second or third hand I flop a nut flush/nut low draw. Low doesn't come, but the river card gives me a nut flush...and the other guy a full house Kings over 8s. Down 750 from my 4000 starting stack and after a couple of times around the table I find myself down a quarter of my stack.
I milked a short and getting shorter stack for a couple of hours before I finally started to get some cards. Eventually got back to my starting stack, then I'd lose another pot, work my way back up around 4000 again, then lose another pot...just couldn't get much above my starting stack all night.
Best hand of the night for me was a rivered trip aces with no low on the board that doubled me up to 6000 when we were in about the 6th round (150/300 blinds, 300/600 limits) but within about 20 minutes I lost 1/3 of it on another big draw that missed.
So long story short, I lasted about 7.5 rounds, when I busted out there were less than 200 remaining of the 553 starting players and I was half an hour from getting to day two. I was pretty much alternating winning pots and losing pots of the few hands I played, milked a short stack most of the night but lasted quite a while. In 7.5 hours of play I just never got that short run of cards that would have made me comfortable at least for a little while, I don't think I ever won two straight pots that I played outside of earning back to back blinds once.
I think a played great poker, there were a couple of hands I maybe could have gotten away from but I'm not unhappy with my play. I just never had much to work with. The hand I busted out (I had 1800 left at 300/500 blinds, 500/1000 limits) was QQ34 vs I think 2-4-5-7. Guy raised out with that junk hand preflop and ended up hitting two pair.
That's all for now, it's 2:30am local time and I'm wiped. Don't know what we're doing tomorrow because we had left the day open in case I had made it to day two.
Now that I've gotten some sleep and obsessed about what I could have done differently...
I don't think a whole lot. As I said above, there were a couple of hands that I probably could have gotten away from but the bottom line is you ultimately have to get cards in a limit tournament and I got pretty far considering I didn't have a whole lot to work with.
There were three guys at the table that were very loose, hard enough to find opportunities to bluff in a limit tournament but with these guys playing everything and calling everything down (the one guy called all the way to the river with nothing but middle pair against a tight player who was representing a flush he didn't have) bluffing was out of the question. What's frustrating about it is that had I ever gotten any cards it would have been a very different outcome for me because these three would have given me all their chips.
In the poker star front, Phil Helmuth was at the table next to mine in my direct line of sight. Layne Flack sat next to me for an hour or so until he busted out (not by me). Others close by were Greenstein, Farha and Gazes.
Not going to predict just yet if there is going to be a "next year", Joann and I are planning some other trips and (gasp) might not come to Vegas at all next year. Still don't know what we're going to do today, now I'm just looking forward to playing in the Caesar's tournament tomorrow.
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Day Six
Day Five (aka WSOP Part II)
Day Four
Day Three
Day Two
Day One
Day Zero (planning)
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Vegas November 2022
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