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Vegas June 2008 (WSOP)

Day Four
Short entry today.
I played a little craps, then had an incredibly overpriced hot dog for lunch (Joann wasn't hungry) and the two of us went over to the Omaha 8/b Mega-Stack tournament at Caesar's.
I won some hands early, although I did fold a "steel wheel" preflop (an 8/b term I've learned referring to an A-5 straight flush), and almost doubled up within the first two rounds. But then nothing much playable for the next couple of hours and when I did have something playable it missed most of the time. My stack gradually dwindled down and I was down around the 5000 starting chip count when I got moved and within about 20 minutes Joann got moved to my table...
Joann at one point was down to 400 chips from her 5000 starting stack, but things changed dramatically for her. She hit a set and more than doubled to 1000 and then a little bit later quadrupled up on a King high flush and a 3rd nut low. She then moved over to my table with at least 20K in chips. Before she came over, however, the dealer from the previous table apparently hit on my wife. I beat the crap out of him, of course, security said he deserved it and gave me a token 10-second timeout.
So here I am on the desperate side (I might only be around 5X BB), there's a raise, call, Joann calls and I look down at AAJ8 double suited. Hmmm....I raise. Original raiser raises another bet to put me all in and everyone calls. Flop comes Q-2-7 rainbow with two of my suits so I've at least got a double backdoor with my overpair. Original raiser throws in whats left of his chips and we see a turn. Offsuit Q so potential set on the board and both of my flushes are dead. Check, check, river rag, check, check. Now here's a point of contention. I said "Aces Up" and I was sure the original raiser also said "Aces Up" as we tabled our hands. Joann tabled pocket dueces for a full house to win the pot. So Joann took out me and another person and got her chip count up around 40K. I asked Joann what she was doing playing pocket dueces later on and she said that she had an A-2-2-8. I never looked past the pocket 2s, but there isn't 5 aces in the deck...at least I hope not...so if I has two aces and original raiser had two aces, how did Joann have A-2-2? Oh yeah, worth noting that had Joann not played her alleged A-2-2 I would have won the pot and tripled up...
So there Joann was one of the bigger stacks in the tournament. They were down to about 100 with 28 paying. She had to give up a couple of hands she was in and at the dinner break was down to 30K, still about twice the average stack and in great shape. Unfortunately the deck went cold for her after that, since I was just standing around I was able to look over her shoulder a little and she had almost nothing playable for a couple of hours and, like me earlier, when she had a playable hand it always seemed to miss. In the end she ended up 40th out of 249, 12 from the money. A great showing considering she's never played 8/b in anything but a sit n go before.
So Joann has decided for me that I'm going to go play HORSE today. Hopefully we'll have plenty to write about around 3am tonight...
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day Six
Day Five (aka WSOP Part II)
Day Four
Day Three
Day Two
Day One
Day Zero (planning)
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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